According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is conclusive scientific evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
The development and operation of consumes approximately 10MWh of electricity per year. The generation of this electricity contributes to global warming by releasing up to 6 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Toodledo is proud that through we have reduced our carbon emissions to below-zero by purchasing 36 tons of carbon offsets per year. Carbon offsets help the environment by funding renewable energy projects, improving energy efficiency, and replanting forests which can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Toodledo's visitors can now use our site with the understanding that they are not contributing to global warming.
Offsetting your own carbon emissions is not expensive. If you want to help, the first step is to calculate how much carbon you emit into the atmosphere by using Carbonfund's Carbon Calculator. You will need to have your most recent electricity and heating bills nearby, as well as some information about your car and air travel habits.
Once you have determined how much carbon you produce, you can easily purchase offsets to counteract your effect on global warming. A typical person can become carbon neutral for less than $100/year, and it's a tax deductible donation.
There are ways to help the environment without hurting your wallet. In fact, many projects actually save you money in the long run, and who doesn't want to save money? There are many ways to conserve energy and natural resources. Here are a few tips:
Recycling conserves valuable natural resources, reduces energy consumption in the manufacturing of goods, and extends the life of landfills.
Install Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs
CFLs use 2/3 less electricity than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer, all while producing the same quality of light. Each bulb you replace will reduce your electricity bill by $3/year.
Turn Down the Heat
Instead of cranking up your thermostat, put on a sweater. Lowering your thermostat by 1 degree can save energy and reduce your heating bill by up to $40/year.